Now serving Russell, Manitoba and area.
Phone 204-773-3446

Plumbing & Construction by Christian
Master Plumber Austria

It is my goal to provide you with high quality craftsmanship work that functions perfectly and is well built. My top priority is to follow plans given to me, or instruction from the client while employing creative problem solving skills to keep the job moving forward in an efficient manner.

Plumbing Installations:
- Water and sewer lines
- Installing/repairing furnaces and cooling units
- Insulating hot air ducts to increase efficiency and other repairs to furnaces
- Central Vacuum systems
- Room ventilation systems
- Well and Pump house installations
- Appliances and Fixtures such as tubs, sinks, faucets, showers, dishwashers etc.
- Floor heating
- Radiator heating systems
- Repairing existing plumbing